PC1 BR Weds 23 Aug 23


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I arrived an hour ahead of the session. This was exceptional. I’d completed Week 3 Run 2 of Couch to 5k and had planned to shower and change at the Leisure Centre – instead I just changed my shirt.

The session plan, figured out earlier in the day from an old plan, mixed in a lot of BR drills. Some swimmers still new to the squad we did a poolside ‘icebreaker’ with a ball and the ‘name game’ as well as stretching and warmup.

Session plan to follow.

I had just 7 swimmers; it is still the school holidays.

I was also being ‘observed’ do assessment – a first but i felt perfectly comfortable with it.

My faults were being distracted by him and later a masters swimmer instead of concentrating on the swimmers. indeed I left one on the block and walked to the other end. I also doubt my ability to demo one of the drills. This is why I’d like to be able to playback videos from my iPad.

White Board BR session plan and notes